The First Amendment

The First Amendment

The first amendment is one of our most important freedoms here in the US. It’s part of what defines us as a people and as a... read more
Gun Control

Gun Control

One of my favorite quotes of all time was by President John F. Kennedy in his inauguration speech, where he talked about how much all of us... read more


I’m the youngest child of three. After my mother had her second, the doctors told her that she had a condition and that if she were ever... read more
Worth and Value

Worth and Value

Over the years, I’d say about half of my clients have had some kind of identity or self-worth problem—with themselves, someone else, or... read more
Beware the easy way

Beware the easy way

There is virtually nothing in the world that we know to be more universally beneficial than the practice of delayed gratification. You can... read more


I start this week's post knowing that for many of you, your immediate reaction will be negative. People like to hear that they should... read more
Single vs Committed Relationships

Single vs Committed Relationships

The next four years after graduation were hard for me. In college I was constantly surrounded by close friends, I was always having lots of... read more
Social Media

Social Media

For most people these days, social media is an essential part of interacting with the world. According to a study published in 2018, the... read more


Balance is one of the most fundamental concepts in health and wellness. It is a major component of pretty much any medical or philosophical... read more
Hurt Feelings

Hurt Feelings

When I say, “hurt feelings,” it probably sounds a little childish. Not that they aren’t important, but that phrase has become a... read more


One of our great struggles today—and throughout the last few hundred years—is against discrimination. Topics like racism and sexism are... read more
Wealth and Poverty

Wealth and Poverty

Wealth is one of the fundamental descriptors of a person’s status in life. It’s among the first things we see when we look at a... read more

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