Within three weeks of doing what we now call The Healing Codes, Tracey’s depression was gone and has never returned.
My wife, Tracey, was severely depressed – and had been for 12 years. Her battle with depression had left her exhausted, drained, discouraged, and at times, ready to give up. It affected every aspect of our life and family, sometimes stressing us to the breaking point. And for me? I felt utterly helpless. Helpless in a situation that brought pain and agony to myself and those I loved. Helpless, despite my clinical training as a therapist and my track record of helping clients just like Tracey. Helpless, and searching desperately for answers through books, workshops, doctoral education, and work with my own patients.
We had tried everything. Counseling, therapy, vitamins, minerals, herbs, antidepressants, alternative medicine, prayer. While some practices provided a bit of relief, it seemed as if nothing could alleviate her deep depression permanently. Some of the side effects were even more difficult to deal with than the illness itself.
Then, in 2001, I was traveling home from a speaking engagement in Los Angeles. Right before boarding the plane, I talked to Tracey through a particularly dark moment, and I was praying fervently as I took my seat. It was over the next three hours that God finally answered my prayer, revealing a healing system that would prove to heal Tracey and go on to help countless others. Nothing mystical occurred, no voices from heaven, no writing on the walls, but it was an experience outside of myself, one that I knew was a revelation of an undiscovered therapeutic method that could help reverse past pain and trauma and correct the wrong beliefs that led to countless emotional and relational issues.
…it was an experience outside of myself, one that I knew was a revelation of an undiscovered therapeutic method that could help reverse past pain…
The practice was simple – a series of exercises involving the hands and “energy centers” in the body – but the results were astounding. Within three weeks of doing what we now call The Healing Codes, Tracey’s depression was gone and has never returned. After seeing this method work with Tracey, I began validating it with other clients, research, and scientific medical testing. What I witnessed blew me away. In addition to seeing spiritual and emotional issues healed, people began coming to me with stories of physical healing, from everything from asthma to cancer, as stress was removed and their body was strengthened to fight disease. It has since been my mission to share this method with the world and help as many people as possible – not just in areas of physical healing, but in navigating relational problems, failure and other issues that keep us from living our happiest and most successful lives.

After her healing, Tracey changed her name to Hope – a symbol of new life. I am here because I want to offer you that same hope, hope that you too can heal your mind, body and spirit and live in the fullness for which you were created. I hope you will join me in this journey.