What's the big deal about sin

What's the big deal about sin

Why don’t we just do whatever we want? ... read more
True Happiness

True Happiness

Over the last forty years or so, I’ve seen many surveys and polls on what people want most in life, and the majority of them agree on one... read more
A matter of life and death

A matter of life and death

There’s a trick I like to play on my audiences when I travel abroad from time to time. First, I ask anyone with cancer to please raise... read more
The problem is NEVER the problem

The problem is NEVER the problem

In 1972, the whole world united behind then-President Richard Nixon to declare war on cancer. Institutions were founded, huge amounts of... read more
Turn it into a prayer

Turn it into a prayer

During the years of Hope’s depression, I would occasionally hear a shout of frustration come from the living room, followed by a loud... read more
Our unfailing compass

Our unfailing compass

Last week we discussed how you can avoid repeating your mistakes, and this week I want to look at the other side of the coin. How much... read more
Never make the same mistake twice

Never make the same mistake twice

How many of you wish that you could go back in time and give your younger self a few pieces of advice? I know I do. But on the other hand,... read more
The Miracle Meditation

The Miracle Meditation

Decades ago, there were only a few healthy life practices officially endorsed by the United States government. Eat a certain amount of... read more
You always do what you believe

You always do what you believe

Today is a very special day. In the last few weeks, we’ve gone over five questions with the power to lead you toward your best life, a... read more
How to solve your biggest problem

How to solve your biggest problem

Thirty years ago, there was only one daily health practice (apart from eating your fruits and veggies) recommended by the United States... read more
The Greatest Truth

The Greatest Truth

It seems like divine serendipity to me that we chose this week to talk about the greatest truth in the world, and this week the entire... read more
The Greatest Lie

The Greatest Lie

Last week I said that self-interest should never be our purpose in life. But I can and will go further than that—the idea of... read more

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