Six Types of Energy Healing That Everyone Has Heard Of

Six Types of Energy Healing That Everyone Has Heard Of

Whether you are new to my website or have read my books and attended my workshops you’ll quickly learn that I talk about energy healing... read more
The Price We Pay for

The Price We Pay for "Positive" Stress

It’s not uncommon for people to say they are “stressed out” these days. People are moving faster, multitasking harder and simply not... read more
One Minute to Mindfulness

One Minute to Mindfulness

Where do our experiences come from? Two people can go through the exact same situation and have vastly different reactions to it.... read more
More Loving, Less Judging: Thoughts for Father's Day

More Loving, Less Judging: Thoughts for Father's Day

This month we celebrate Dad. Maybe your dad is absent from your life and you are blessed to have someone who is a father figure, such as a... read more
The Habit of a Healthy Hundred Years

The Habit of a Healthy Hundred Years

What if you knew that you would live to be over a hundred years old and still healthy? How would it change the way you view your life? My... read more
How to Change Your Thoughts

How to Change Your Thoughts

We all know someone who is a downer with energy that depletes the room. Maybe that person is even you. You’re desperate to change, and... read more
The Effects of Gratitude on the Brain

The Effects of Gratitude on the Brain

Let me start by turning the question around. How does our brain affect gratitude? Not many people think about it from that angle, maybe... read more
Can Your Dreams Affect Your Reality?

Can Your Dreams Affect Your Reality?

How did you sleep last night? Did you dream? Of course you did. Did you know that you dream at least four to six times per night, usually... read more
Why Affirmations Don't Work

Why Affirmations Don't Work

Affirmations took their turn in the spotlight about twenty years ago as the biggest thing in alternative medicine. Everybody knew them,... read more
What is Energy Healing?

What is Energy Healing?

I’ve been part of an exciting new frontier in healing for more than two decades. Unlike traditional medicine, there is no relying on... read more
Moving from Fear-Based Law to Love-Based Grace

Moving from Fear-Based Law to Love-Based Grace

Just like most of you, I grew up in a paradigm of do’s and don’ts. Everything I did earned either a gold star or a black mark, and the... read more
How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Theodore Roosevelt famously said that “comparison is the thief of joy.” Today it seems we compare ourselves to others more so than... read more

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