Hi, there! My name is Dr. Alex Loyd and I want to personally welcome you to my website.

I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that you’ve found this site. Perhaps you’ve heard of my books or heard me speak. You may have never heard of me at all. You may be doing online research in the middle of the night out of frustration. Maybe you are seeking a solution to issues that have been dragging you down for years. You may be stressed, frustrated or unable to get past the negativity in your life – perhaps for reasons you don’t understand. You are aware, however, of the detrimental impact that stress can have on your life. It affects your relationships, your career, your spirituality, your health and wellness. It can cause you to be withdrawn and live in fear.

We were never meant to live in fear. We were meant to live in a state of love, joy and peace. The weight of the world and the stress compacted by today’s society can be overwhelming. We feel pressure to succeed, and if we aren’t succeeding, we feel pressure to “fake it til we make it.” We go into debt, we become withdrawn, we may depend on drugs and alcohol. At the end of the day we are disconnected from the ones we love and from what matters most.

Folks, I’ve been there. Nearly three decades ago my life was falling apart. I had marriage issues, money problems, career failure, you name it. I read countless books, turned to religion, therapy...nothing worked. I searched for a solution, but I didn’t find it in modern medicine or in self-help books. My aha moment came during this dark time, and it was truly an epiphany.

My wife Tracey was severely depressed – and had been for 12 years. Her battle with depression had left her exhausted, drained, discouraged, and at times, ready to give up. It affected every aspect of our life and family, sometimes stressing us to the breaking point. I felt utterly helpless despite my clinical training as a therapist and my track record of helping clients just like Tracey. Like most couples battling depression, she and I had tried everything – counseling, therapy, vitamins, natural supplements, antidepressants, alternative medicine, prayer. Some of these practices provided temporary relief, but they were just that – temporary.

In 2001, I was traveling home from a speaking engagement in Los Angeles. Right before boarding the plane, I talked Tracey through a particularly dark moment, and I was praying fervently as I took my seat. It was over that three-hour flight that God answered my prayer, revealing a healing system that would prove to heal Tracey and go on to help countless others. Nothing mystical occurred. There were no lofty, booming voices from heaven or lights shining down from above, but it was an experience outside of myself, one that I knew was a revelation of an undiscovered therapeutic method that could help reverse past pain and trauma.

The practice was simple – a series of exercises involving the hands and “energy centers” in the body – but the results were astounding. Within three weeks of doing what we now call The Healing Codes, Tracey’s depression was gone forever. I began validating this method with other clients, research, and scientific medical testing. What I witnessed blew me away. In addition to seeing spiritual and emotional issues healed, people began coming to me with stories of physical healing, from everything from asthma to cancer, as stress was removed and their body was strengthened to fight disease. It is now my mission to share this method with and help as many people as possible – not just in areas of physical healing, but in navigating relational problems, failure and other issues that prevent us from living our happiest and most successful lives.

After her healing, Tracey changed her name to Hope – a symbol of new life. It’s my hope that this website will serve as a resource to help guide you along your journey to a new life and to heal your mind, body and spirit and live contentedly and joyfully.

It is my sincere wish that you find this website to be a regular go to source for useful information, tools and resources to help switch off the negativity in your life and find long-term physical and emotional healing. You can sign up for my weekly newsletter here to receive updates, information about special offers and encouragement. I have a life long passion for learning and sharing that knowledge in the areas of health, psychology, therapy, energy medicine, relationships and success. We’ll cover a little bit of everything here, and I hope you’ll be part of the ongoing conversation!

God made you to be a joy-filled being and you entered this Earth with unbounded joy. You are not alone on this journey. Here you’ll find a welcoming and supportive community and source of materials and information that will guide you along the way. I am so happy you are here!


Dr. Alex


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